Text Widget

Use this widget to render a text input on the form.

Last published at: June 3rd, 2024


Renders a text input control.


  • Input Size  - Select between any of the display sizes 
  • ID/Name - Name of widget generated by FlowWright (read-only field)
  • Placeholder - Enter text to display on the render
  • Data Type - Choose between any of the data types (Numeric,
  • Currency, Phone, Email, SSN, Text, Password, Regular Expression, Custom Format)
  • Required - Select the checkbox for mandatory (tick mark)
  • Hide - Select the checkbox to Hide (tick mark)
  • Read Only - Select the checkbox to Read-Only (tick mark)
  • Maximum Allowed Chars - Enter value for maximum text chars to be input
  • Tool Tip - Enter information to display on mouse hover on form render
  • Styles - Enter the CSS scripts for widget styles
  • Apply Classes - Select between custom classes defined 
  • Save - Save the input values 
  • Delete - Remove this form widget from the designer page 
  • Close - Close the input popup window






Let’s build and execute the “TextWidgetDef” example.  

  • Create a new form definition called “TextWidgetDef.” 
  • Select the Open Designer checkbox and click the “Create” button
  • Drag a Text widget to the canvas
  • Double-click on the Text widget to configure the inputs as shown in the below graphic


  • Click on the Placeholder field. Enter text to be displayed on render. 
  • Click on the Data Type field. Select Currency data type will render a format input control as shown in the below graphic. Type the mask format to accept input (eg: ###,###.##)


  • Selecting the Phone data type will render a format input control, as shown in the graphic below. Type the mask format to accept input.  


  • The SNN data type will render a format input control, as shown in the graphic below. Type the mask format to accept input (eg: ###-##-####)


  • Select Regular Expression data type, which will render a format input control as shown in the graphic below. Type the mask format to accept input (eg: /^([a-zA-Z]{3,10})$/)


  • Select Custom Format data type will render a format input control as shown in the below graphic. Type the mask format to accept input (e.g., AA-##-aa (or) aa AAA ### aa). Here, the case represents a single letter as (A or a), and a single-digit number is (#). A space and non-numeric symbols like (-\/?*&^#@!) can be used as separators. The sample matching input for the above format is AB-12-ab (or) dx ABC 123 aa.


  • Click on the Save button and Close the popup window
  • Navigate to the UI menu and Preview the form. The widget will render a text input control.