Batch Operations

Use batch operations to manage process instances

Last published at: January 5th, 2025

This function performs batch operations on multiple process instances of a definition. 

On the Process Instances page, navigate to the Utils - Batch Operations menu option. 


The Batch Operations is rendered on a new page. Select the process definition from the drop-down list. Select from the available status from the drop-down list. The process instances are listed in the table below. 


Select one of the process instances from the list or use the Actions - Select - All menu option to include the entire list. 


You can now navigate to the Action menu and perform the following batch operations on the selection list.  


Reset process instances

The process instance in Sleeping / Completed / Abort / Error status can be reset.  

Select the process instance from the list on the Batch Operations page and click the Actions—Reset menu option. Then click OK to confirm. The process instance(s) are reset in the background and removed from the list upon completion. 


Remove process instances

Select the process instance from the list on the Batch Operations page and click the Actions—Remove menu option. Then click OK to confirm. The chosen process instance(s) are permanently removed.


Abort process instances

Select the process instance from the list on the Batch Operations page and click the Actions—Abort menu option. Then click OK to confirm. The chosen process instance(s) are aborted. 


Execute process instances

Select the process instance from the list on the Batch Operations page and click the Actions—Execute menu option. Then click OK to confirm. The chosen process instance(s) are executed as a batch. 


Execute process instances in Test Mode.

Select the process instance from the list on the Batch Operations page and click on the Actions - Execute in Test Mode menu option. Click OK to confirm. Select the user from the drop-down list. Click on the Execute button. The selected process instance(s) are executed as the specified user. All emails are directed to this test user during execution.  


Execute process instances with Params.

Select the process instance from the list on the Batch Operations page and click the Actions—Execute—Params menu option. Then click OK to confirm. The chosen process instance(s) are executed with previously known parameters.  


Navigate to the Process Instance page to execute the process instance with parameters. Select the process instance from the list and click the Execute—With Params menu option. 


The Execute With Params page displays more configuration options. Select the user from the drop-down list to execute this instance as that user. Select the priority between High, Medium, and Low. Provide the values for the globals and variables, as shown below. Click on the Execute or Execute in Test Mode button. The process instance is executed with the parameter values. 


Archive process instances 

Select the process instance from the list on the Batch Operations page and click the Actions—Archive menu option. Then click OK to confirm. The chosen process instance(s) are archived as a batch. To view the list, navigate to the Administration—Archive menu page.