Building, Configuring, and Executing a Process Step.
This sample will illustrate how to build a new process step, configure it using the Configuration Manager UI, use the step in a process definition, and then execute the step using a process instance.
It's better to lead by example, so here's a video showing how to build a custom process step.
If you want to use our code, here's the code from the above example:
using FlowWright.Engine; namespace FW10CustomItems { [StepData("", "Add two numbers", "FW10")] [StepInput("value1", "Enter value 1", true)] [StepInput("value2", "Enter value 2", true)] [StepInput("varToStore", "Store result in variable", true)] [StepReturn("True", "True value")] [StepReturn("False", "False value")] public class FWAddTwoNumbers : IFWStep { public FWFigureReturn Execute(FWEngineContext oEngineContext) { FWFigureReturn oReturn = new FWFigureReturn("True", StepState.Complete); try { int value1 = oEngineContext.GetFigureProperty<int>("value1"); int value2 = oEngineContext.GetFigureProperty<int>("value2"); int result = value1 + value2; string varToStore = oEngineContext.GetFigureProperty("varToStore"); oEngineContext.UpdateVariable(varToStore, result); } catch (Exception ex) { oEngineContext.WriteError("FWAddTwoNumbers", ex, FlowWright.Logging.PriorityLevel.Medium); } return oReturn; } } }