Dashboard Widgets

Learn about dashboard widgets

Last published at: May 24th, 2024

Dashboard widgets are UI widgets used for building dashboards.  This section lets the Admin user manage dashboard widgets, preview and understand usage patterns, export and import dashboard widgets between FlowWright environments, and globalize and auto-detect for new dashboard widgets. 

You can just navigate to the Administration - Dashboard menu option. 


Select Dashboard - Dashboard Widgets menu option.


The Dashboard Widgets page is rendered as the following UI. 


For FlowWright Multi-Tenant version:

Navigate to the Administration—Dashboard Widgets menu option. The Dashboard Widgets page will be rendered in a new tab. 

The Dashboard Widgets page is rendered with a MultiTenant menu in the Tenant Manager application, as shown below. The menu functions include pushing the widget configurations or changes to selected or all tenants.  


Pushing step configuration to tenants












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