processInstanceAuditReport Step

Use this step to generte the process instance audit report

Last published at: June 7th, 2024


This step generates the Process Instance Audit Report.



  • instanceID - Enter process instance ID
  • pdfPhysicalPath - Variable / Global to store the output physical file path
  • pdfVirtualPath - Variable / Global to store the output virtual file path



  • True – step executed successfully
  • False – step failed to execute 






Let’s build and execute the processInstanceAuditReportDef example.   

  • Create a new definition called “processInstanceAuditReportDef
  • Select the definition and click the “design” button
  • Drag a processInstanceAuditReport step from the toolbox
  • Connect the dots between the start and processInstanceAuditReport step
  • Click on the “processInstanceAuditReport” step to configure its properties
  • Configure the following property values as shown in the graphic below. The process instance page provides the GUID for all existing items on its page, and this information can be copied and pasted into the input field.


  • Save the process definition, create a process instance, and execute. The Step should generate the process instance audit report for the instance ID selected. Render the process instance and verify the step properties.  


  • Use the variable.virtualfilepath to download the PDF audit report and the content sample shown below