Send RabbitMQ Message

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023


Send message to RabbitMQ queue.      


  • RabbitMQ – select RabbitMQ connection
  • messageData – message content to be sent
  • exchange – name of the exchange
  • messageQueue – name of the queue
  • routingKey – optional routing key
  • messageParms – message parameters key=value pairs


  • True – email sent successfully
  • False – failed to send the email


Before using this step in a process definition, configure a RabbitMQ connection using the following UI:

RabbitMQ is a widely used Enterprise service bus, you can get more information from their site at:


Let’s build and execute the clssendrabbitmqmessageDef example.                

  • Create a new process definition called “clsSendRabbitMQMessageDef”
  • Select the definition and click the “design” button
  • Drag a "clsSendRabbitMQMessage" step to the canvas
  • Connect the dots between the start and "clsSendRabbitMQMessage" step
  • Click on the "clsSendRabbitMQMessage" step to configure its properties
  • Configure the following values for the properties as shown on the below graphic

  • Save the process definition, create a new process instance and execute. The process step should publish/send messages to RabbitMQ service.