Execute Form Definition With Params

Learn to instantiate the process by executing the form definition

Last published at: April 17th, 2024

This function is used to instantiate a new process instance by executing the form definition with parameters. 

On the Form Definitions page select the definition from the list and click on View - Execute With Params menu option.


The UI is rendered on a new page as shown below. The form definition is selected automatically and may be changed if necessary. Select the appropriate process definition from the dropdown list to create the new process instance. Select the variable or global variable (existing in the process definition) to store the form instance ID when the form definition is executed. Select the language from the dropdown list for executing the form definition. Select “Test Mode” if the form is to be executed as a different user. By default, the form is executed as an “Admin” user. 


Click on “Copy to Clipboard” to generate and copy the URL to the clipboard. Click on “Save Form URL” to create a hyperlink to execute the form with params. A sample URL is shown below. 

Copy To and Copy Short URL sample

http://<FlowWright Server>/Login/FormDefinitions/Render?formDefID=9eca3ad8-fc64-4e79-a724-c9c85441df30&displayHeader=no&mode=submit&workflowDefID=4947c70f-dad3-4090-879e-c9beabad368f&formIDVar=formID&culture=en-US&isTestMode=false&testModeUserID=35635c17-06b5-455b-a1e6-51507c1e971f&formInstID=

http://<FlowWright Server>/Login/?u=TIZE9DBQIL



Click on the “Execute” button to start the form definition execution with params. A new form instance is generated and the form is rendered on a new page for user input and submission.


A new process instance is created and the status is “Not Started”. After the form is submitted by the user, the process instance is executed by the application. 


Click on the “Form URL” hyperlink sign to execute a new form definition. 



Process Designers (non-Admin users) require the following System roles to execute their forms with parameters. The forms and processes are to be created (owned) by themselves.