
Understand process step administration activities

Last published at: August 11th, 2024

The process step administration activities are managed from this UI. Navigate to the Administration - Steps menu option. 


Select the category drop-down list. The process steps are labeled ALL or specific to its feature function, as shown below. The step categories are sorted alphabetically. The total count of process steps is mentioned in the brackets. 


Select ALL categories to view the process steps sorted alphabetically in a table. Each row contains the step icon, name, description, help documentation link, and validation status. Use the search box to narrow down the results. Use the column selector to add or remove columns to the table. 


Create a step

The Admin User can create a new custom process step by navigating to the Administration—Steps—Actions—Create menu option. 


The Create menu option provides a UI that requires information to create a process step. Click on the Validate button to validate the step inputs. Click on the Create button to create the new process step. The new custom process step is available in the table by category.  



Edit step information

Search and select the step name from the table displayed. Navigate to the Actions—Edit menu option. The step information for modification is provided below. NOTE: Any step modifications that fail the validation shall set back the existing process workflow definitions. 


For example, the step display name can be changed here. Click on Update to confirm the changes. 


The step icon can be changed by uploading the icon file here. New inputs can be added here. The input fields and their data types can be modified here. The hierarchy of the fields can be ordered by drag-and-drop. The input fields can be configured as required, hidden, or read-only here. 


The Step return values can be configured here. 


Search Filter a step.

Select a category from the dropdown list to view the steps belonging to the category. 


As shown below, you can type the step name in the search box to filter. 


Copy a step

Search and select the step name from the table displayed. Navigate to the Actions—Copy menu option. A popup window will appear. Provide the new step name and description. Click on the COPY button to confirm the action. The new step will be created and listed in the step category. 


Suggestive Steps

FlowWright can suggest steps when previously configured. To configure, select a step and navigate to the Actions—Suggestive Steps menu option. 


A new page displays all steps (across all categories) and provides a checkbox to quickly associate the relevant step as a suggestion. When you are done, confirm the changes. 


Remove / Auto Detect a step.

The process step can be removed and configured again when necessary. Search for and select the step name from the table displayed. Then, navigate to the Actions—Remove menu option. 


An alert notification prompts you to confirm the changes.


The process step is removed successfully. 


Navigate to Utils - Auto Detect menu option. A new tab is displayed.


The process steps are introduced when FlowWright is updated by a patch release. These steps may be new or modified with feature enhancements. The process steps (including those removed) are displayed in the table after auto-detect.  Select the step to configure manually. Repeat the configuration for all steps in the table if necessary. 


The configured step is now available for use. 


View usage

Select the step category from the dropdown list. Then, navigate to the View—Usage menu option. As shown below, usage information is provided for all steps.  


View Error Steps

To view process steps that have failed configuration, navigate to the View—With Errors menu option. The process steps that have failed validation are listed in the table, as shown in the image below. 


Select the error step. Navigate to the Utils—Reload Step menu option. The application will attempt to reload the step and configure it using the defaults in the setup file.


View Processes using specific workflow steps

Search and select the process step from the table. Navigate to the View—Processes—Used by menu option. The application executes a background task to list all process definitions or workflows using this step. The user is notified when the job is completed. 


Upon job completion, a notification (including email) is sent to the user.


Navigate to Notifications and select the “View all Notifications” button. The notifications will be rendered in a new tab. 


Please select the appropriate notification and click the pop-out icon to view it. 


The list of process definitions or workflows using this decision step is a popup window. Select the process definition hyperlink to view the definition in detail.


The email notification is delivered to the user's mailbox. 


Not used steps

Navigate to the View—Not used steps menu option. The application executes a background task to list all process definitions or workflows not using this step. The user is notified when the job is completed. 


Export a step

Search and select the step name from the table displayed. Navigate to the Export—XML menu option. The step information is exported/downloaded as an XML file for sharing between FlowWright environments. Select the SQL menu option to download the SQL insert steps as a file. 


Import a step

Navigate to the Import—XML menu option to import the step into a FlowWright environment. Select the XML file from the local folder and click Import to accept the changes.  


Auto Detect 

Navigate to the Utils—Auto Detect menu option to identify new and modified steps that need to be manually configured for your FlowWright environment. 


The auto-detect feature opens on a new page. The table lists the steps by step name, namespace, and DLL path configuration. Select the step row and click on the Manage—Configure menu option. The step will be configured manually. Use “Select all records” to configure more than one step row in the table. 


An alert notification confirms the successful step configuration. 


Auto Detect from DLL

Navigate to Utils—Auto Detect from the DLL menu option to identify new and modified custom steps that need to be manually configured for your FlowWright environment. 


Select the custom step DLL from the drop-down list. Click on SELECT to confirm the action. The step will be configured manually. An alert notification will confirm the successful step configuration. 


Auto Detect from Directory

Navigate to Utils—Auto Detect from the Directory menu option to identify new and modified custom steps that need to be manually configured for your FlowWright environment. 


Select the directory from the drop-down list. Click on SELECT to confirm the action. The step shall be configured manually. An alert notification confirms the successful step configuration. 


Reload a step

The process step can be reloaded when new steps are introduced in the process DLL or when necessary. Search and select the step name from the table displayed. Navigate to the Utils—Reload Step menu option. 


An alert notification prompts you to confirm the changes.


Globalize a step

This feature allows you to globalize the process step resources. Search for and select the step name from the table displayed. Navigate to Utils - Globalize menu option.


An alert notification prompts you to confirm the changes.


An alert notification confirms the changes.


Navigate to Administration - Globalization - Global tab - Select the StepInputs option. Search for the step name. The resources are displayed in the table. Select secondary culture to translate and confirm the changes. 


Test a step

Search and select the step name from the table displayed. Navigate to Utils - Test menu option. 


A new page is rendered to test the step functionality, as shown in the following UI. If required, select test mode ON. Provide the condition to evaluate. Click on the TEST button to start. Notice that the step returns TRUE, and the step state is COMPLETE, with the time taken in milliseconds. 


The step returns FALSE for a false condition or ERROR with a message for an incorrect condition. 


Step Request 

Navigate to Support - Request Item to ask the FlowWright support team for any enhancements or challenges noticed. 


Provide the necessary details so the request can be emailed to the product team.