Archival Settings

Learn how to configure archival settings

Last published at: January 31st, 2025

This feature is used to configure the archival settings, and it requires the Archival Service Engine to function.  

You'll need to navigate to the Status - Status page. 


Select Settings - Archive menu option. 


Allows the configuration of archival settings and removal settings.  Each type of item can be configured to have different archival settings.  Once the items are archived, they can be removed after a configured period using the below UI:


All dates and times are stored within the database as UTC and displayed based on the user's local time zone. 

Note: Engine runtime data are in ISO + UTC format. 

Click the navigation link (black color icon) to view the completed instances.   


The completed instances are rendered in a popup. Use the search box feature to narrow down the result list. 


Click the delete link (red color icon) to remove the completed instances. 


Click Ok to confirm. 


The completed instances are removed from the archive permanently. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.