Archiving process instances

Learn to archive process instances

Last published at: April 30th, 2024

This function archives completed process instances.

On the Process Instance page, select the completed process from the table and click on the Utils—Archive menu option. 


The Archive Instance popup window is displayed for confirmation. You can click OK to proceed. 


The alert notification is displayed in the top-right end corner to confirm the action. 


Remove archived process instances. 

This function permanently removes the archived process instance.

You can just navigate to the Administration - Archive page.  

On the Archived Process Instance page, select the instance from the table and click the Remove - Selected / All menu option. The cases are removed, and an alert notification is displayed in the top right-end corner. 


Execution view of an archived process instance 

This function displays the execution view of the archived process instance.

You can just navigate to the Administration - Archive page.  

On the Archived Process Instance page, select the instance from the table and click the View - Execution View menu option.


The instance execution view is rendered on the same page as shown below. 


Render archived process instance. 

This function renders the archived process instance.

You can just navigate to the Administration - Archive page.  

On the Archived Process Instance page, select the instance from the table and click on the View - Render menu option.


The instance is rendered on the same page as shown below. 


Report on archived process instances

This function generates a PDF Report on the archived process instance.

You can just navigate to the Administration - Archive page.  

On the Archived Process Instance page, select the instance from the table and click the View - Report menu option.


The PDF report has been downloaded to your local folder, and the contents are shown below.