You may watch the YouTube video here.
Check the Open AI configuration settings here
You must navigate to Status—Status—Settings—Configuration Settings—Open the AI option and configure the function using the AI Key, as shown below. Then, click the Save button to confirm.
You may use the following link to generate the API Key
AI Copilot can be used to generate a process.
Select the AI Copilot - Generate Process menu on the Process definition page.
A popup is rendered for configuration. You must provide the process definition's name and the keywords that describe the context. You may click the microphone icon and voice over the description (in English).
Click on the Generate Steps button. The AI Copilot will list the relevant process steps. You can add or remove steps as needed. Click on the Generate button to create the process definition.
The process definition is generated and rendered on the new page as below.
I've included the process workflow image here for you to look over.
AI Copilot can be used to generate steps from a starting step
Select the process step on the process designer page to view the Required properties. Click the AI Predict button.
A popup window is displayed for configuration. Select the “Next Steps” option to predict. Provide the count of steps to generate as a value. Provide the description context for the AI model to use. Click the Predict button.
The predicted steps are listed below. You may unselect the items by their checkbox. Click the Add to Process button to insert these steps into the workflow.
The workflow with the new steps is rendered as below.
You may select the “Detail Steps” option to predict. Provide the description context for the AI model to use. Click the Predict button. The predicted steps are listed below. You may unselect the items by their checkbox. Click the Add to Process button to insert these steps into the workflow.