Upgrade Utility - v9.x to 10.x

Last published at: June 6th, 2024

We suggest you upgrade your local Dev/QA FlowWright environments before performing it on the production environment.

We also suggest performing this on a brand-new machine.  Download and install FlowWright v10.

If you are upgrading from any v9.x version or below to v10.x, you can use the following steps to upgrade.

  1. Take a full backup of the application server file system or at least the following directory: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\cDevWorkflow
  2. Take a full backup of the FlowWright database
  3. Copy the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\cDevWorkflow from the old server to the new server
  4. Run the following utility that's included with FlowWright v10.  You will find the utility at: C:\FlowWright\UpgradeUtility\FWUpgradeTool.exe
  5. Utility will render as follows:

  6. Enter the SQL server name or IP, database name, SQL username, and password, and click the “Connect” button. A message box with the connection's status will appear.
  7.   If the connection is successful, the “I have taken a Database backup” check box will become active. Click the check box to activate the buttons.
  8. The “Upgrade DB” button should now be active.  Click each button to perform the database upgrade.  If you get any errors, please report them to FlowWright Support.
  9. If the above steps are successful, click the “Copy Folders & Files” button to copy files from the old to the new version.
  10. The connection string and any custom appSettings keys/values will be automatically updated. Verify these settings by examining the file c:\FlowWright\AppSettings.json.
  11. Next open the URL to FlowWright v10 in your web browser.   http://server:8080
  12. Login to FlowWright and navigate to Status→Upgrade:

  13. Click the “Version Changes” to view any changes and apply the database and configuration changes using the “Apply” buttons.
  14. Start the FlowWright engine services, for now you can start the Process Engine and the Email Engine using the Windows services.
  15. If there any custom folders that need to be copied, then provide the full path of the custom folder and click the button “Copy Custom Folders”.
  16. In case you don't remember the Admin password, it can be reset to the default admin password by clicking the button “RESET Admin Password”.
  17. Now the upgrade process is completed.
  18.  Please test the functionality of the application to make sure the upgrade is successful and functional.

At any point if you are stuck or need help, please contact our support desk, we are Here to help.