This function lets you categorize the form widgets.
You must navigate to the Administration - Form Widgets - Categories page.

The Manage Form Widget Categories are displayed on a new page as below. You further notice a list of widgets not linked to the category and a list linked to the selected category.

Add Form Widget Category.
Select the Actions - Create menu option on the Manage Form Widgets page.

A popup window is rendered for configuration. You must provide a new name and click the Create button.

The new widget category is included in the list, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.

Add controls to the new Form Widget Category.
On the Manage Form Widget Categories page, select the widget category on the tree to view a list of controls not linked to this category, as shown below.

Use the checkbox to move and link the controls to the new widget category, as shown below.

Rename or Remove Form Widget Category.
On the Manage Form Widget Categories page, select the widget category in the tree and right-click to view the context menu, as shown below. Then, select the option to rename or delete the form widget category.

On the Manage Form Widget Categories page, select the widget category in the tree and click the Actions - Rename or Remove menu option, as shown below.

Note: The form controls are unlinked, and the widget category will be removed permanently.
Update Globalizations for Form Widget Category.
On the Manage Form Widget Categories page, select the widget category in the tree and click the Actions - Update Globalizations menu option, as shown below.

A popup window is displayed for confirmation. Click OK to continue.

The global resources for the widget category are updated, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.