ETL Instances

Use this feature to create new instances for ETL Definitions

Last published at: November 28th, 2024

This feature generates instances for ETL definitions and executes it  

You must navigate from the ETL - Instances menu option. 


The page is rendered on a new page as below. 


Create Instance

Select the Actions - Create menu option to initiate on the ETL designer page. 


You must provide an instance name or click the Generate button to create a unique name. 


Click on the Create and Execute button to execute the new instance. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.  Click the View Instance link to render the instance on the new page. 


The ETL Instance is rendered on the new page as below. 


You may also create a new instance from the ETL Instance page. Select Actions - Create menu option. 


A popup window is rendered for configuration. Select the ETL Definition from the drop-down list. You may use the button filters to sort the definition list by last modified date or by name. Click on the Generate button to create an instance name or provide the instance name manually. Enable the Execute checkbox and click the Create and Execute button to initiate the execution. 


The ETL Instance is created, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. 


Select View - Render menu option to view the instance. 


The ETL Instance is rendered on the new page as below. You may use the search text box to locate any ETL process step. 


Remove Instance

This function removes an ETL Instance permanently. 

On the ETL Instances page, select an instance from the table and click the Actions—Remove menu option. 


Click OK to confirm on the popup window. 


The instance is removed, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. 



This function marks an ETL Instance as a favorite and moves it to the favorite folder.

On the ETL Instances page, select the instance from the table and click on the Actions-Favorite-Add menu option. 


The ETL Instance is marked and moved to the Favorites folder, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.  


The instance in the Favorites folder is rendered as below.


In the Favorites folder, select the ETL Instance and click on the Actions—Favorites—Remove menu option.


The ETL Instance is removed from the Favorites and moved back to the All folder, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. 


Execute - Selected

This function executes a selected ETL Instance that has yet to be started.

Let's generate a new ETL Instance and not execute it. 

On the ETL Instance page, select the Actions—Create menu option. A popup window is rendered for configuration. Select the ETL Definition from the drop-down list. You may use the button filters to sort the definition list by last modified date or by name. Click on the Generate button to create an instance name or provide the instance name manually. Uncheck the Execute checkbox. Click the Create and Execute button to initiate the execution. 


The ETL Instance has been generated and has yet to be started. 


Select this ETL Instance and click the Execute - Selected menu option. 


Click OK to confirm the execution. 


The ETL instance is executed and seen in processing status as below. 


Execute - With Params

This function executes a selected ETL Instance with parameter values input by the user.

Let's generate a new ETL Instance and not execute it. 

On the ETL Instance page, select the Actions—Create menu option. A popup window is rendered for configuration. Select the ETL Definition from the drop-down list. You may use the button filters to sort the definition list by last modified date or by name. Click on the Generate button to create an instance name or provide the instance name manually. Uncheck the Execute checkbox. Click the Create and Execute button to initiate the execution. The ETL Instance has been generated and has yet to be started. 

Select this ETL Instance and click the Execute - With Params menu option. 


The variables are rendered on the new page. You may provide the variable values (parameters) by clicking the Execute button.  


The ETL Instance is executed with the input parameters (variable values) as below. 


Execute - Run Engine

This function executes a selected ETL Instance when FlowWright Engines are running in Auto Off mode. 

The “Run Engine” option is disabled when the Engines are in Auto mode. 


Export - XML

This function downloads the ETL Instance as an XML file.  

On the ETL Instances page, select the definition from the table list and click on the Export—XML menu option.  The XML file is generated and downloaded to the local folder. 


Export - ETL XML

This function downloads the ETL Instance as an ETL XML file.  

On the ETL Instances page, select the definition from the table list and click on the Export—XML menu option.  The XML file is generated and downloaded to the local folder. 


Export - PNG

This function downloads the ETL Instance as a PNG file.  

On the ETL Instances page, select the definition from the table list and click on the Export—PNG menu option.  The PNG file is generated and downloaded to the local folder. 


The PNG file is included below for reference.


View - Render 

This function renders the ETL instance, which helps us to visualize the execution workflow.

On the ETL Instances page, select the instance from the table and click on the View-Render menu option. 


The ETL Instance is rendered on the new page. You notice the instance created and modified information. 


You may use the search text box to locate a process step and click the hyperlink to navigate to the step on the execution image. 


View - History 

This function displays the event's history for the selected ETL instance.

On the ETL Instances page, select the instance from the table and click on the View-History menu option. 


The event's history is rendered on the new page as below. 


View - Permissions

This function displays the permissions granted on the ETL Definition for an individual user or App user (group)

On the ETL Instances page, select the instance from the table and click on the View-Permission menu option. 


The Manage Permissions are rendered on a new page. You may search and add individual users and grant them View, Design, and Remove definition permissions. Click the Save Permissions button to confirm the action. Also, you can give/revoke permissions to App users using the other function as below. 



This function archives the ETL Instance.

On the ETL Instances page, select the instance from the table and click on the Utils-Archive menu option. 


The ETL Instance is archived, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.