Import/Export a dashboard widget

Learn to import and export dashboard widgets between FlowWright environments

Last published at: May 24th, 2024

Export a Dashboard widget.

This feature allows the Admin user to import and export the dashboard widgets as XML files between FlowWright environments. 

Navigate to Administration - Dashboard - Dashboard Widgets menu option. 


Select a widget to export from the widget listing table and click on Export - XML menu option.


The widget is exported and downloaded to the local folder as an XML file. 

The XML file content is included here for reference. 

 <dashboardWidget id="74c2d849-80e3-492a-bae9-116997b10e58" name="clsdatatablewidget" label="clsdatatablewidget" namespace="FlowWright.Dashboards.clsDataTableWidget" dLL="FlowWright.Dashboards.dll" displayName="clsdatatablewidget" widgetCategory="209414c5-2cfa-4ba3-ae6b-83c497588141" widgetCategoryName="System" widgetType="deDataTableWidget" />


Select a widget to export from the widget listing table and click on Export - SQL menu item.


The widget is exported and downloaded to the local folder as SQL file. 

The SQL file content is included here for reference. 

INSERT INTO [deWidgetCategories] ([WIDGETCATEGORYID],[WIDGETCATEGORYNAME]) VALUES('209414c5-2cfa-4ba3-ae6b-83c497588141','System')

INSERT INTO [deWidgets] ([WIDGETID],[WIDGETNAME],[WIDGETDISPLAYNAME],[WIDGETDESCRIPTION],[WIDGETCATEGORY],[WIDGETNAMESPACE],[WIDGETDLLPATH],[WIDGETTYPE],[USECOUNT]) VALUES('74c2d849-80e3-492a-bae9-116997b10e58','clsdatatablewidget','clsdatatablewidget','clsdatatablewidget','209414c5-2cfa-4ba3-ae6b-83c497588141','FlowWright.Dashboards.clsDataTableWidget','FlowWright.Dashboards.dll','deDataTableWidget','0')


Import a dashboard widget.

Use this feature to import the XML dashboard widget from another FlowWright environment. 

Select a widget to export from the widget listing table and click on Import - XML menu option. 


Choose the XML file from the local folder and click IMPORT to confirm the action. 

This action overwrites the widget configuration. 




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