Business objects (BO) are efficient custom entity objects that can be seamlessly passed within the workflow process. They are wrappers around your API objects, which reside within your code/dlls.
For your convenience, you can quickly access the Business Objects page through the Administration menu.
The table below lists the valid business objects sorted alphabetically. Each business object is listed by its namespace, DLL path, and valid status.
Select the Actions menu and choose to create a new business object, modify an existing one, make a copy, or remove one.
Select the View menu to test the BO, list all the ones with errors, view the properties, and
Select the Export menu to export the BO as an XML or SQL file between FlowWright environments.
Select the Import menu to bring the BO definition as an XML file to the current FlowWright environment.
Select the Utils menu to auto-detect the BO in the current FlowWright environment and auto-detect it from the DLL or Directory file path. After auto-detection, the business object is configured for use.
Select the Support menu to request a new BO item from the FlowWright Support team.