This step creates the vCard with the user details provided.
Type in the user details as per the field names;
- firstName – first name
- lastName – last name
- jobTitle – job title
- Organization – organization name
- Street – door# and street name
- City – city name
- Zip – zip code
- Country – country name
- cellphone – cell phone number
- workPhone – work phone number
- email – email address
- website – website URL
- homePhone - home phone number
- notes – notes info
- fax - fax number
- varName - variable/global to hold the vCard file path after generation
- True – step executed successfully
- False – step failed to execute

Let’s build and execute the vCardGeneratorDef example.
- Create a new definition called vCardGeneratorDef
- Select the definition and click the “design” button
- Drag an “vCardGenerator” step to the canvas
- Connect the steps as shown above
- Define a variable/global to store the VCard file path information
- Click on the “vCardGenerator” step to configure its “Settings” properties. Provide the field values as below. Provide the variable/global to store the VCard file path information. Click the Save button to confirm.

- Click on the “vCardGenerator” step to configure its “Advanced” properties

- The “Logging” setting configuration is necessary for documentation and also measures the workflow progress and the percent complete. This is achieved by configuring the step state and percent fields individually, as shown in the images below. Configure the “Logging” using the following properties.

- Save the process definition, create a new process instance, and execute. Render the process instance. Click on the process step to view its properties. The step should generate the file path info for the vCard file.

- Navigate to the Status - File Management page and access the file path to download the .vcf file by extension

- Open the .vcf file in Outlook and save the vCard generated. A sample vCard is shown here for reference.