Creating a form definition

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

A new form definition can be created using the “Create - Form Definition - Actions - Create” menu option. The following dialog will be rendered: 

Enter a name for the new form definition and click the “Create” button.  

Select between "Free Form" or "Grid Form" design layout. The free form layout is a blank canvas seen like before. In the new version, the grid form prompts for number of rows and columns to be included in a bootstrap grid layout. 

Provide the values for the table layout as shown below and click on Create to confirm changes. 

The grid form layout prepares the new form with a bootstrap grid design as shown below. 

With this workflow form definition screen, the following operations can be performed:

  • Create a new form definition
  • Design / open the definition in the form designer
  • Edit the form definition description
  • Rename a selected form definition
  • Set a form as private / public
  • Remove a workflow form definition / View Recycle Bin
  • Manage data tables used within a workflow form definition 
  • Remove all instances for a given workflow form definition
  • Make a copy of the form definition
  • Change owner of the form definition
  • Save form definition as a template
  • Manage snapshots
  • Manage forms as favourites
  • Execute forms with Params
  • Render forms
  • View form definition history
  • View form usage
  • View form tables
  • Export form definition as an XML, ZIP and HTML file
  • Import form definition as HTML
  • Manage security permissions
  • Manage form definition locks
  • Archive form instances
  • Generate / Create form definition from the data table 

Create from a file(s)

It allows the user to create/add a form definition by dragging and dropping the definition HTML(s). This functionality provides the ability to add multiple HTML’s at once to the form definition table. This feature will also accept a zip file containing multiple form definitions.

Select the desired HTML file from the file system, drag and drop to the form definitions page as shown above.  The form definitions are added successfully and displayed in the table. 

Design form definition

A form definition can be designed by selecting the form definition from the table and clicking the “Design” menu item.

Select the definition from the form designer page. Navigate to Actions - Design option to open the definition in the designer page, on a new tab. Also, double-click on the definition to open in the designer page, as another option. However, selecting more than one definition opens in the same designer tab as multiple tab/windows are not permitted.