Using the deRuntime API

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

The deRuntime API manages all runtime operations such as managing instances.

Creating the deRuntime Object

deRuntime oRuntime = new deRuntime(“connection string”, “external user name”);

Creates the deRuntime object 

Get a Workflow Instance

deWorkflowInstance oInst = oRuntime.getInstance(“id of the instance”); 

deWorkflowInstance oInst = oRuntime.getInstanceUsingName(“name of the instance”);

Gets the Workflow Instance object using the id or the name 

Abort a Workflow Instance

Bool bFlag = oRuntime.abortInstance(“id of the instance”);

Aborts the selected Workflow Instance 

Complete a selected task

Bool bFlag = oRuntime.completeTask(“id of the task”, “task return value”, “task comment”);

Completes a given task programmatically 

Extend a selected task

Bool bFlag = oRuntime.extendTask(“id of the task”, “number of days to extend by”); Insert your text here

Extends the expiration of a task by a given number of days 

Get a list of Workflow Instances

Dictionary oList = oRuntime.getInstances(“created by user id”)

Dictionary oList = oRuntime.getInstances(“”, “tenant ID”)

Hashtable oList = oRuntime.getInstances(“execution status”);

Gets all Workflow Instances created by a certain user

Gets all Workflow Instances for a given tenant

Gets all instances based on a selected execution status 

Get the status of the license file

licenseStatus oStatus = oRuntime.getLicenseStatus(ref “error message string”, ref “license properties”);

Gets the status of the license and the licensing information 

Get all open tasks for Users

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