Using the deEventServiceBus class

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

The deEventServiceBus class provides all API level methods required for managing functionality within the Event Service Bus (ESB) 

Creating the deEventServiceBus object

deEventServiceBus oESB = deEventServiceBus(string databaseConnectString, string externalUserID, IError Provider oErrProvider = null);

Creates an instance of the deEventServiceBus API object 

Create an Event Definition

Bool bFlag = oESB.createEventDefinition(“event name”, “event category”); Insert your text here

Create an event definition 

Publish an event to the ESB

Bool bFlag = oESB. publishEventUsingName(string eventDefName, string eventSource, Hashtable oEve ntParms, eventPriority iEventPriority);

Publishes the event to the ESB and the engine will process the event based on the handlers. 

Run the event engine manually


Execute the event engine manually for processing published events