Route tasks to roles

Last published at: May 15th, 2023


Routes a task to a selected number of application roles


  • routeTo – list of roles to route the task
  • taskDesc – description for the task
  • taskBody – body of the task
  • routedItem – item that is routed
  • showURL – url to render within the task
  • emailaddresses – email addresses to route task to 
  • priority – priority of the task
  • daysToComplete - # of days to complete the task by
  • waitForAll – Yes = all users must act on the task, No = requires only 1 user to act on the task
  • taskRoutingRules- Task routing rules types
  • storeRouteToUsers – variable to store what users the task was routed to
  • sendEmailNotifications – Yes = email notification will be sent to each user for the task
  • emailSubject – subject of the email message
  • emailBody – body of the email message
  • emailFiles – email file attachments
  • userCanReAssign – Yes = user can re-assign task to another active users


  • completed – task was approved and completed
  • rejected – task was rejected
  • timeout – task timed out 



Let’s build and execute the routeToRolesDef example.          

  • Create a new definition called “routeToRolesDef
  • Select the definition and click the “design” button
  • Drag a routeToRoles step from the toolbox
  • Connect the dots between the start and routeToRoles step

  • Click on the “routetoroles” step to configure its properties
  • Configure the following values for the properties as shown on the below graphic
  • Click on select roles to route to and select application roles.

  • Enter the variable containing the reference to Application Role-ID (not the Role name). As an Admin User, navigate to Administration - User Management - Roles page. Select the Role-ID from the column selector dropdown for Application Roles table to view the Role-IDs.  

  • Click on email body and select existing template and edit to use or create new template content as email body.

  • Save the process definition, create a process instance and execute. The RouteToRoles step should assign task to a selected number of application roles.
  • Navigate to Engage - Tasks page to view the Tasks routed to the resource belonging to an application role(s).

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