Using Variables in Workflow Processes

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

Process System Variables

The list of process system variables and values it provides during run time.

appURI (String)
 FlowWright application Universal Resource Identifier (URI) path
createdON (String)
Process instance created datetime (stored in DB as UTC format and represented in user's datetime zone format) 
initiatorID (String)
GUID value of FlowWright user ID who initiated the process instance 
initiatorName (String)
User Fullname (as configured in FlowWright) who initiated the process instance
instanceID (String)
GUID value of process instance
instanceName (String)
Process instance name
stepReturnValue (String)
Step return value either True or False
testModeUserID (String)
GUID value of FlowWright user ID who is selected for Test mode
testMode (Boolean)
Test mode either True or False (when enabled it's True) 

Form System Variables

The list of form system variables and values it provides during run time. 


Form instance created datetime (stored in DB as UTC format and represented in user's datetime zone format) 
Current date represented in user's culture and time zone format
Current datetime represented in user's culture and time zone format
Current time represented in user's culture and time zone format
GUID value of FlowWright user ID who currently holds the form instance 
User Fullname (as configured in FlowWright) who initiated the process instance
GUID value of form instance
Form instance name
Variable.formURI FlowWright application Universal Resource Identifier (URI) path
User Fullname (as configured in FlowWright) who initiated the process instance
Variable.initiatorID GUID value of FlowWright user IDwho initiated the form instance
User Fullname (as configured in FlowWright) who initiated the process instance
User Fullname (as configured in FlowWright) who updates the form instance assigned
GUID value of FlowWright user ID who updates the form instance assigned
Variable.workflowInstanceID GUID value of process instance ID

In FW v9.12, the process designer provides a feature to rename the variables. Navigate to Action - Define Variables menu option. The variables are displayed in the right pane along with its data type. Select the variable, click on Rename button and provide a new variable name in the popup dialog. Click on Save to confirm the changes.