Version 9.8 - November 2nd, 2020

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023
  • A new Grid layout control within the Forms designer
  • Active Directory UI authentication
  • Application back end is fully .Net standard, API fully supported by .Net Framework and .Net Standard
  • Azure vision machine learning workflow steps
  • Barcode generation and recognition workflow steps
  • Boolean data type now supported
  • Check list step now supports addition of new items by the user
  • Complete another step using the this new step
  • Copy/Paste text and images to the forms designer
  • Create forms using templates, and save forms as templates
  • Create workflow definitions using templates, and save as templates
  • Define and use SLAs within workflow instances
  • Display a list of users that are online and using the application
  • Drop down lists support type ahead
  • E-Signature control now supports attach signature from file
  • Execute a workflow in TEST mode
  • Expand and view sub-workflows within the UI
  • Extend FlowWright tables to store additional information
  • FlowWright object get/set properties steps
  • FlowWright steps support return collection, and the use of returned items within other steps
  • FlowWright user management steps
  • Globalization fully supported within Workflow Management
  • Globalize forms to other languages
  • Integration of MS Azure language translator
  • Jump from one step to another without having a connection
  • My team members or managers form UI widget
  • New globalization provider with high performance and caching
  • Now synchronize users’ multiple times a day
  • Preview forms using different device types – mobile, tablet, PC
  • Read multiple app settings to variables/globals
  • Render decision table and runtime information for decision steps
  • Route for user selection task step
  • SAML authentication for single sign-on
  • Save, load and preview themes
  • Server status steps such as ping, server space, CPU & memory utilization
  • Task routing rules, task locking/unlocking
  • Tesseract OCR integration, configuration of different languages for recognition
  • UI is fully customizable using themes, change logos, colors and fonts
  • UI tables are fully responsive, auto adjust, select columns to display
  • Use Azure translator to translate forms, dashboards, UI pages
  • Use decision tables and approval tables
  • Use workflows as event handlers within the ESB
  • User acknowledge notifications
  • User can select to receive emails or not
  • User language selection, view the UI in other languages
  • View invalid login requests
  • View items to be archived & cleaned up
  • View last logins of users based on time
  • View what tenants have/don’t have items
  • Workflow step to get users manager or users that report