Version 9.7 - June 15th, 2020

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023
  • 10-20x performance improved for evaluating expressions
  • Administrator functionality to remove workflows, forms, events
  • Apply connection style to selected or all connections
  • Auto-detect items from a specific DLL
  • Change URL for all tenants
  • Configuration settings are cached for better performance & less # of database calls
  • Create a tenant database from a selected tenant or using template
  • DFS File explorer
  • Display a history log of applied version changes
  • Distributed file system connectors for storage of files and folders
  • Engines are now self-updating their configuration information every 5 minutes
  • Full engine support for multi-tenant
  • Full multi-tenant user interface
  • Globalization provider auto-refreshes the data every 5 minutes
  • Globalization provider shows English values if the culture is not found
  • How to build a DFS connector guide, complete walk through
  • Improved performance of the version changes interface
  • Improved pipeline processing to reduce the # of child processes required to process a workflow
  • Improvements with caching to increase performance & to reduce the # of calls to the database
  • Launch tenant from tenant manager
  • Manage version upgrades for selected or all tenants
  • Microservices supports HTTP methods GET and POST
  • Microservices supports passing of large objects through the request body
  • Navigate to the Microservice method directly
  • New DFS engine service for file synchronization
  • OAuth user guide
  • ParallelFor step to dynamically build the workflow at execution time
  • Place holder step
  • Push configuration items to selected or all tenants
  • Render the workflow definition that is used by the Microservice
  • Reset admin password for any tenant
  • REST API fully supports OAuth 2.0 token authentication
  • REST API user guide
  • Self-hosted web-server for caching data
  • Send message step for inter-process communication - IPC
  • Send messages within workflow instances or to other workflow instances within the hierarchy using IPC
  • Server role management
  • Server role management for distributed environments
  • Swap 2 steps within the designer using the context menu
  • Synchronization of files across distributed servers
  • Tenant file manager
  • Tenant manager user guide
  • Tenant manager user interface
  • Use OAuth tokens to authenticate with Microservices
  • Use OAuth tokens to authenticate with the user interface