Version - November 07th, 2022

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

Feature Enhancements

23522 Create form with options, Free form or Grid form
23523 New System Role: User Management
23534 ConfigTasks.aspx and MyTeamTasks.aspx page - include Delegated tasks in the drop down and the table
23538 Process Instance - mouse over on process steps - show step type in the Statistics popup
23539 Change in User's - System Role or Application Role - add to user history


23532 Step Inputs and returns are not synching for Steps.
23533 Users are not synching while application role synching
23535 Process definition is not synching while synching Triggers
23537 Task Delegation: remove sending copy of the email to task owner while sending delegate task email to substitute user
23540 resultFormat - DataType - behaviour is different in gettaskfileattachments and getfileattachments steps
23541 Task Reminders popup - extend the width of number of days text box
23542 Menu injection show form give invalid URL
23543 Get file attachments step is failing - MultiTenant
23544 Task Reminders - Allow variable support for task reminders in 
23546 Task Reminders: "reminderIn" should support date and numbers with variables
23547 EditGridData: saving row changes or approving rows moves scroll bar position to left
23555 Regular Users Render Form- page not completing rendering when user doesn't have access to form
23556 Label multitext did not show as multi-line
23560 WAIT step does not put process to sleep but keeps "execute" status