Version - May 27th, 2022

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

Feature Enhancements

19493 Route Task/Form to Queue, when assigned to user from Queue, it should recompute the task expiration
21082 Rating system for the forms
21203 "New subform row" icon improvements
21204 Need to have loader icon whenever the Form Load and Submit
21213 Longitudinally responsive HTML and SQL dashboard widgets


21205 Error while rendering the form when WD is having the variable name with same name as form system variable
21210 Tab indexing not saving
21212 SQL dashboard widget sorts formatted date as string
21214 Form values not transferring to form data table
21215 Issues using numeric variables
21216 Select widget not hiding in task
21217 Date widget working inconsistently in FINNISH culture (the first time)
21219 Comments table default order
21222 Expression Evaluation issue
21224 Update process step with system name AppURI - not initialising local variable 
21236 Comments widget - search filter failing to remove entry on click on X