Queue management functionality allows users to define and manage queues to which tasks can be routed using the “Route to Queue” step. The UI enables queues to be created, renamed, and removed. Navigate to Create—Queue Management to reach the following UI.
You can navigate to the Manage - Queue Management page.
The UI displays the list of existing queues as below.
You may use the Search box to filter the results.
Create Queue.
On the Queue Management page, select the Actions - Create menu option.
A popup window is displayed for configuration. You must provide a new name and click the Create button.
The new queue is included, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.
How do you view the queue tasks from a process instance?
Create a new process workflow using the “routeToQueue” step. Configure the step to select the new queue, as shown below.
Generate and execute a new process instance. Click the link to view the example on a new page.
The instance is rendered below. Click the Items—Queue menu option to view the tasks assigned to the queue.
How do you assign the queue tasks?
Once the task is assigned to the queue, you must navigate to the Engage—Tasks page and select the Tasks—Queue Management menu option, as below.
Select the Queue from the drop-down list to view the list of tasks as below.
To assign the task, select the user from the drop-down list. Note that the list of users in the drop-down is controlled by the permissions granted to the queue.
As FlowWright Admin, you may assign tasks from the queue by navigating to the Actions—Assign Items—Selected User menu option.
As an Agile team member, you may select tasks from the queue by navigating to the Actions—Assign items—To me menu option.
Click OK to confirm.
The task is assigned from the queue, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.
How do you view the queue tasks?
On the Queue Management page, select the queue and click the View - Queue menu option.
The View Queue page is rendered below. You must select the queue from the drop-down list and use the date filter type to narrow down the list. You can use the Unassigned, Assigned, or All tabs to filter the result list again. The list of tasks that belong to the queue is rendered in the table below.
You can also examine the tasks from the Process Instance page. Use the Search box to search for the process instance. Select the table item and click the View—Render menu option.
The Process Instance is rendered on a new page. Select the Items—Tasks menu option to view the tasks assigned from the queue to a specific user, as below.
Rename Queue.
On the Queue Management page, select the queue from the table list and click the Actions - Rename menu option.
You must provide the new name and click the Update button.
The queue name is updated, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.
Remove Queue.
On the Queue Management page, select the queue from the table list and click the Actions—Remove menu option.
Click OK to confirm.
The queue shall be removed, and all tasks will be moved to the Unassigned tab.
Queue permissions.
Each queue can have its access permissions. Users or roles can be granted View permission to any selected queue.
On the Queue Management page, select the queue from the table list and click the Security—Permission menu option.
The Manage Queue Permissions page is rendered below. You may grant permissions to a specific user or group of users identified by an application role.
To search for a user, type the first three characters in the Search text bar and select from the drop-down list. Then click the Add button to add more users to this list. Likewise, you may search and add the application role using the Search text bar.
Click the Save Permissions button to grant View permissions to the users' list.
Users are granted permission to access the Queue, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-hand corner. Likewise, you may select the user from the list and click the Remove Permissions to revoke the access to the Queue. Note: Users with View queue permissions can participate in selecting tasks and re-assign tasks.