Version 10.2 - April 5th, 2024

List of features and fixes included in this release update

Last published at: May 29th, 2024

Application Builder

  • Design and build an application using the application designer
  • Connect to existing items such as Forms, Processes, Dashboards, Reports
  • Connect to custom UIs and Urls
  • Define role based user access at application level
  • Define role based user access at menu level
  • Customize login screen display text, images, logos
  • Render application to users, giving a customized application view
  • Supports UI globalization
  • Application synchronization across environments
  • Application synchronization across tenants in multi-tenant environments

Visual Debugger

  • Debug any process from the process designer
  • Supports debug break points
  • Supports step next
  • Supports run to step
  • Supports jump to step
  • Supports reset to step
  • Debug forms and processes
  • Debug process instance using instance data


  • Execution states, configure and launch process instances, when the process completes, aborts, errors


  • File list control - view files from a predefined directory
  • Fix for changing form controls but with same name


  • SQL dashboard widgets now support date filtering
  • Fix: Proper chart rendering when there's no data available

User Interface

  • Default Theme restore also restores the FlowWright logo
  • UI fixes for Firefox web browser


  • Various security enhancements, include request/response encryption
  • If forms authentication is not configured, UI does not show “Change Password”
  • API token authentication available by default


  • Fully running on .Net 8
  • Dapper support within the data access layer (DAL)
  • Re-execution of same step through API
  • APIs now use application key for future application support
  • Localization/Globalization support for report viewer/designer