Create user notification

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023


Create a user notification to a selected number of users.  


  • assignTo – list of users to assign the notification
  • assignToRoles– Roles user to assign the notification 
  • subject – subject for the notification
  • Message- description for the notification
  • emailNotify- Send email for notification


  • completed – notification was created
  • error – notification was not created



Let’s build and execute the createUserNotificationDef example.             

  • Create a new definition called “createUserNotificationDef
  • Select the definition and click the “design” button
  • Drag and connect the "createUserNotification" step as shown in the above graphic
  • Click on the “createUserNotification” step to configure its properties. Configure the users and roles. Provide the message text. Enable the option to send email. 
  • Click on Select the users to route to and select users or provide variable reference containing UserIDs (GUID)

  • Click on select roles to route to and select application role

  • Click on Message and use the existing template (you can edit existing template as well) as email body or create custom template as message.

  • Save the process definition. Create a new process instance and execute. The process step should create the notification to the users / roles and send email, as configured. Navigate to Status - Email Queue to view the user notification emails.