Process definition folders

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

FlowWright allows the user to create, categorize, and display the definitions into folders as shown below. All the newly created definitions will be displayed under the “Uncategorized” folder. 

The user must select, drag, and drop the selected definition(s) into the desired folders.

User can create a new folder by right-clicking on the “Folders“ icon on the tree and selecting the “Create Folder” option as shown below:

After the creation of a new folder, the user can move a workflow definition from the “Uncategorized” folder to the newly created folder by selecting the definition and dragging and dropping the definition as shown below:

User can also create process definitions and folders within folders, rename, delete and add multiple process definitions by right-clicking on the folder as shown below:

Select a folder and click on the “Add Definition” option, search for the desired process definitions to be added to the created folder.

All the checked definitions are added to the selected folder as shown below: