Upgrade Instructions

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

FlowWright can be easily upgraded, FlowWright puts out number of upgrades, major & minor within the year, you can view the version history HERE.   If you are a current customer with a valid license of FlowWright, then you can access the software download page directly by going to the FlowWright application -> Status as shown below in the graphic. 

The above link will navigate to the below shown software download page, select the "FlowWright vxxx - 64 bit Installation Without Database" version for the upgrade and follow the upgrade instructions.

You can also get the latest version, just click the below button and put a download request for the trial version.  Trial version is the full version with a 30 day trial license.


After submitting your trial request, you will get an email from FlowWright with a link to download the software.  This link is only valid for 2 days, so make sure to download.  If you have any issues downloading, please email FlowWright support at: support@FlowWright.com

Download screen within the website will look at follows:

Select the last item from the list, "FlowWright x.xx - 64 bit Installation Without Database". Click the arrow to download the installer.  Before you install, make a backup of the following files, they are both located in the "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\cDevWorkflow\bin" directory:

  • cDevWorkflow.lic
  • Connections.config

If you have any custom changes to the Web.config file, keep a backup of that file also.

Now execute the installer and let the installer upgrade your existing installation of FlowWright.  After the installation is completed, place the above 2 files back in the original location "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\cDevWorkflow\bin".



FlowWright detects the old versions of cookies / temp files in the user's browser and forces cache removal of these files automatically. The manual removal of cache files is not necessary, henceforth.

Start the application by navigating to the following URL: http://your servername/cDevWorkflow

After authenticating, click the "Status" menu entry, then click the last toolbar button "Version Changes".   This screen will let you peform database and configuration changes that are provided with the new version.

Using the above screen, review the database and configuration changes, and click the "Update" buttons to update FlowWright with latest database and configuration changes.