Using Forms in Workflow Process

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

FlowWright offers several workflow steps for handling forms related operations within a workflow process.  The following steps are provided:

Using the instantiate form step within a workflow process

Let’s use the form definition “TestFormFile” that we created within the last couple of steps within the next couple of workflow process examples. Form definition looks as follows:

Let’s navigate to the process definitions tab and create a new workflow definition called “TestFormDef”.  

After the process definition is created, the definition is open within the workflow designer.

Drag an “Instantiate Form” step from the designer toolbox to the designer canvas. Connect the “Start” step to the “Instantiate” form step.

Since newly Instantiated form instances are tracked using a variable within the workflow instance, let’s define a string variable called “formID1”.

Select the “Save” button to save the newly created variable.  Click the “Instantiate form” step to fill the properties for the step:

There are 2 main required properties that need to be filled in, first the form definition to use, select “TestFormFile” definition from the drop-down list.  

Next is what variable to hold the “id” of the new form instance.  Let’s use the variable that was defined in the previous step “variable.formID1”.  

“Instance Name” property is optional, if an instance name is provided, that name will be used for naming the newly created form instance.   

If an instance name is not provided, then a GUID is used for naming the form instance.  Click the “Save” button to save the values of the properties.

Click the “Save” button on the designer toolbar to save the changes to the process definition.

Let’s create a workflow instance based on this workflow definition and execute the Instance.  Navigate to the process  instances tab on the configuration manager.  Create a new process instance using the toolbar button “Create”.

Select the definition “TestFormDef”, click the “Generate” button to generate a name and select the “Create & Execute” button to create the new instance.

The newly created instance is executed and has a status of “finish”. Let’s render the form instance to view the execution.

Based on the execution of the process, a new form instance will be created.  Click on the “Items -> Forms” menu item, to view the list of forms created by the process.

Click on the form name to launch and render the Form Instance.  The form will render as follows: