
Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

1.1   Events by source

The event source allows the user to select and view the events based on the event source available in the “Select Event source” dropdown. The user can view all the events related to the selected event source.



1.2   Events by name

This functionality displays the events based on the event name selected from the drop-down.



1.3   Events by priority

This functionality allows the user to view the events based on the event priority selected from the available dropdowns.


1.4   Events by status

This page displays the events based on their status such as event executed, published or error occurred.

1.5   Reprocess

Reprocess functionality allows the user to re-execute the failed events by selecting the “error” events from the “Select event status” drop-down and click on the “ViewRe-process” menu item.


After the failed event is reprocessed, the event will be removed from the “error” status list and be displayed under the “Executed” event list.