Using the deBusinessIntelligence API

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

Creating the deBusinessIntelligence object

deBusinessIntelligence oBI = new deBusinessIntelligence(“connection string to the FlowWright database”, “exernal user name”);

Get # of Workflow Definitions

long lCount = oBI.getNumberOfDefinitions();

Gets the # of Workflow definitions 

Get # of Workflow Instances

long lCount = oBI.getNumberOfInstances(); Insert your text here

Gets the # of Workflow instances 

Get # of Form Definitions

long lCount = oBI.getNumberOfFormDefinitions(); Insert your text here

Gets the # of Form definitions 

Get # of Form Instances

long lCount = oBI.getNumberOfFormInstances();

Gets the # of Form instances 

Get # of Users

long lCount = oBI.getNumberOfUsers ();

Gets the # of users 

Get # of Steps configured

long lCount = oBI.getStepCount(); Insert your text here

Gets the # of steps configured