Docker Container Installation

Last published at: January 1st, 2025

FlowWright 10 supports running within Docker containers. To install it on a Docker container, please follow this guide.

  1.  If you don't already have Docker, use the link below to download and install it.
  2.  Set Docker to use Windows containers.
  3.  Next, create a database in Microsoft SQL Server or Azure DB and run the appropriate SQL file to populate it.
    1. FlowWrightDB-MSAzure.sql
    2. FlowWrightDB-MSSQLServer.sql
  4.  Note down the Database server name, database name, user name, and the password for later use.
  5. Open an Administrative command prompt.
  6. Login to the FlowWright Azure repository using the following command, password key will be provided:

    docker login -u FWUser -p <PASSWORDKEY>
  7.  Execute the following instructions to create the container:

    docker run  -d --name FW10App -p 8000:80 -e CONNSTR="Data Source=SQLSERVERNAME;Initial Catalog=DATABASENAME;User ID=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD"

  8.  After the above command, open Docker desktop and verify the container is created and running, as shown below:

  9.  Open the following URL in a web browser:

  10.  You should see the FlowWright login screen. Enter the following to log in to FlowWright:

    username: admin
    password: Flowwright10!
  11. If the database connectivity and authentication are successful, you should see the FlowWright default dashboard.

    Here's a video explaining how to create and use a FlowWright docker container.