
Last published at: May 15th, 2023

While all workflow performance data is exportable to the reporting software of your choice. Business intelligence reporting is a built-in feature of FlowWright.  The Business intelligence reporting tab lets the user view runtime and historical workflow performance data.  

The following operations can be performed using the business intelligence reporting UI:

  • Default BI Dashboard View
  • View BI Step Execution by Instance 
  • View Step Execution by Definition 
  • View Least/Most Common Executions
  • View the Workflow Variable States
  • View Instance Audit Report
  • View Instances by Status
  • View Instances by Date
  • View Engine Alerts by Status
  • View Engine Alerts by Date
  • View Events by Status
  • View Events by Date

 UI for this screen looks as follows: 

These business intelligence reports can be configured to report data within a specified date range.   The selections of today, this week, last week, this month, last month, and custom date ranges are available using the pull-down menu. All date/times are stored within the database as UTC and displayed based on local timezone of the user. 

Note: Engine runtime data are in ISO + UTC format.