Create an Authentication Connection

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

Authentication Connections lets you define and manage any number of user-configured connections for a selected service provider. The below screen displays the list of connections and its service providers on definition for configured selections only. 

Following operations can be performed using the UI:

  • Create an authentication connection
  • Edit an authentication connection
  • Make a copy of the connection
  • Remove the selected connection
  • Upload the security certificate
  • Export and Import the connection definition

All date/times are stored within the database as UTC and displayed based on local timezone of the user. The new FlowWright application provides an UI for the user to change the timezone.

Note: Engine runtime data are in ISO + UTC format.

Create an Authentication Connection

A new authentication connection can be created by clicking the “Actions→Create” menu item. 

The following dialog is displayed for creating a connection.

Provide a name and description for the connection. Select an authentication provider from the list. Provide the auth key. Click on Create button to create a new authentication connection. 

Use the Auto-detect functionality to auto-detect and configure the authentication providers by selecting “Utils→Auto Detect” menu item. A new Authentication Connection is noticed associated with an icon in the UI. 

Edit an Authentication Connection

An authentication connection can be updated by selecting an existing connection from the table and by selecting the “Actions→Edit” menu item. The authentication connection table displays a list configured selections only.

The following UI will be rendered. 

After updating the field values, click the “Update” button to save the changes.

The UI will be rendered with different field parameters according to the service provider. For e.g.: The following UI is rendered for a SAML connection type.

Upload Icon to an Authentication Connection

An authentication connection can be updated by selecting an existing connection from the table and by selecting the “Actions→Upload Icon” menu item. The authentication connection table displays a list configured selections only.  

Select the image from the local system folder and choose "Upload" button to confirm. 

The authentication connection table is refreshed to display the changes.