createUser Step

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023


Create a new user.    


  • userName – user name of the user
  • fullName – full name of the user
  • email – email of the user
  • password – new password for the user
  • varGlobalForID – variable or global to store the new user id


  • True – step executed successfully
  • False – step failed to execute



Let’s build and execute the createUserStepDef example.             

  • Create a new definition called “createUserStepDef"
  • Select the definition and click the “design” button
  • Drag and connect the "createUser" step as shown in the above graphic
  • Click on the "createUser" step and configure the properties as shown on the below graphic
  • Save the process definition. Create a new process instance and execute. The process step should create a new user and store the UserID in the variable.userID as configured. Navigate to Administration - User Management - search for the user to view.